Unveiling ‘Beneath & Beyond’: Highlights from My Cairns Photo Exhibition


Unveiling ‘Beneath & Beyond’: Highlights from My Cairns Photo Exhibition

On August 2nd, I had the incredible opportunity to launch my latest photo exhibition, Beneath & Beyond: An Exploration in Photography, at the Crystalbrook Bailey in Cairns. The exhibition showcases a collection of my underwater and landscape photography. Opening night was nothing short of magical, with a fantastic turnout and the excitement of seeing my work resonate with so many people. The evening was a success, with seven of my pieces finding new homes. For those who couldn’t make it, don’t worry—”Beneath & Beyond” will be on display until September 27th, in the Crystalbrook Bailey lobby and the neighboring wine bar, Arte.

Opening Night Highlights

Opening night was a mix of excitement and nerves, not knowing how many people would come through the doors. But to my delight, around 40-50 guests arrived throughout the evening, making it a night to remember. The atmosphere was warm, filled with praise, conversation, and, of course, a generous pour of wine. It was an unforgettable event, enhanced by the incredible live music performed by PJ Myers. As guests mingled and explored the exhibition, Paul’s music set a wonderful ambiance that perfectly complemented the evening. Thank you so much Paul for your contribution to the event—it truly made the evening memorable for everyone in attendance! Check out his music here.

Speeches, Stories, and Stunning Acrylic Prints

The evening kicked off with mingling, followed by a speech from the general manager of the Crystalbrook Bailey. She spoke about the hotel’s commitment to the arts and their dedication to promoting local talent through featured artist events. When it was my turn to speak, I shared how photography has always been my dream. Ever since I was a young girl, I knew I wanted to be a photographer. But it took years to discover that underwater photography was my true passion. That’s what brought me to Australia in the first place—to be close to the Great Barrier Reef and hone my craft. Six years later, I’m still here, chasing that passion. The path hasn’t been easy; pursuing a career as an underwater photographer is challenging. But moments like the opening night make all the hard work worthwhile. The support and turnout from that night encouraged me to keep pushing forward. When you love something, you don’t give up when it gets tough—you keep going, and that’s exactly what I plan to do.

The Impact of Acrylic Prints and a Successful Night of Sales

All of my photographs were printed on acrylic. This is a process where the image is printed on paper and mounted between two acrylic panels. This method gives the photos a stunning, high-gloss finish that truly brings them to life. One guest made a memorable comment about how she couldn’t stop staring at the images, saying the acrylic made it seem like the photos were on the verge of coming to life.

I was thrilled to have sold seven photos that night. As an artist, you never really know how people will respond to your work. Displaying your art is a vulnerable experience, hoping others will connect with it. But nothing compares to the feeling when someone values your art and wants to take it home. The most popular piece of the night was my sea lion photograph titled “Family,” which also earned an honorable mention in the 2023 Scuba Diving Magazine Through Your Lens Photo Contest. It’s one of my personal favorites. Close behind were the turtle images I had on display—“New Life,” featuring a baby turtle, and “Frozen,” a black and white portrait of a turtle. Both were crowd favorites and contributed to the success of the night.

Exhibition Features: Underwater and Landscape Photography

My exhibition showcases 13 mesmerizing underwater photographs and 5 stunning landscape images from various parts of the world. The majority of these pieces were captured in Far North Queensland (FNQ), a region I hold close to my heart. In the wine bar Arte, six of my images are displayed. They were all taken in FNQ and on the Great Barrier Reef, which remains a constant source of inspiration.

Favorite Images

One of my personal favorites, “Vibrant,” was taken at a dive site called Halloween on the Great Barrier Reef. This site holds deep significance for me, having witnessed both nature’s destructive power and its incredible ability to heal. Around ten years ago, Halloween suffered from a severe outbreak of crown-of-thorns starfish, which decimated the coral. Each starfish can consume up to 10 square meters of coral annually, leaving behind a trail of destruction. For a while, the site was a place of heartbreak. But nature’s resilience shone through, and the coral began to recover beautifully. The vibrant colors of the coral at Halloween were some of the most breathtaking I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, in December 2024, cyclone Jasper struck the area, causing significant damage and coral mortality. The cyclone shattered much of the coral that had once captivated divers. This site, once boasting nearly 98% coral coverage, is now a reminder of the fragility of our marine ecosystems and the urgent need for conservation.

Another standout piece in the exhibition is “Sunken,” a black-and-white photograph of the Halliburton Shipwreck in Utila, Honduras. This popular dive site features a wreck at 30 meters depth. It offers an unforgettable experience, especially for certified wreck divers. I deliberately distanced myself from my dive buddy to highlight the shipwreck’s massive scale compared to a human figure. The result is a striking image that captures the awe-inspiring size of the wreck and the haunting beauty of underwater exploration.

Visit the Exhibition

If you haven’t had the chance to see my photo exhibition yet, it will be on display until September 27th. As you step into the lobby of the Crystalbrook Bailey, you’ll be greeted by the exhibition right in the center. The photographs are beautifully presented on easels, inviting you to stroll through and explore the stories behind each image. The lobby is open 24/7, so you can drop by at your convenience. Just next door, you’ll find the wine bar, Arte by Crystalbrook, where six more of my images are on display. Arte is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 4-10 pm. The wine is exceptional, so enjoy a glass with a cheese board to enhance your visit.

All the photographs are still available for purchase. If you find a piece you love, you’re in luck! The images on display are at special exhibition-only prices. You won’t find these deals anywhere else, including on my website. If you’re interested in purchasing a piece, please reach out to me via email and mention the exhibition.

Behind the Scenes: Personal Reflections

Deciding which images to showcase in my exhibition was no easy task. With thousands of photos in my collection, it was tough to pick the ones that best represented my journey as a professional underwater photographer. I sought advice from countless friends, but ultimately, I had to trust my instincts and hope that the selected images would resonate with the audience. The support from Crystalbrook Bailey was incredible, and working with them truly made this exhibition a success. I also want to acknowledge the Cairns Art Society, which provided the easels for displaying my work. Their involvement added a beautiful touch to the presentation.

This exhibition was a big step for me. It was my first solo show, and to be honest, I felt completely out of my depth at times. I had moments of doubt, unsure if I was making the right decisions. But I took it one step at a time. The overwhelming support and praise from everyone has been incredibly humbling. Many of you have been following my journey for years, and I never imagined that I would end up running an underwater photography business. Throughout my life, I’ve often been underestimated, but that only fuels my determination to prove people wrong and keep pushing myself to improve. This exhibition was a turning point for me, helping me see myself not just as a photographer, but as an artist and a businesswoman. The road has been far from smooth, but I’m proud to be building a successful career out of my passion, and this exhibition is proof that I’m on the right path.

Photography Exhibition Cairns

Special Offers and Exclusive Deals

As a special thank you to everyone who visits the exhibition, I’m offering a couple of exclusive deals! First, if you sign up for my mailing list during the exhibition, you’ll be entered into a draw to win a free A3-sized paper print of any photo from my website—just my way of saying thank you for your support. Additionally, I’m offering a limited-time underwater portrait package for just $650. This special package includes a 1-hour pool session, full pose and breath-hold coaching, and 4 retouched digital images delivered in a private gallery. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience the magic of underwater photography firsthand. This offer is only available during the exhibition, so be sure to email me to book your session before it ends!

Underwater Photoshoot Exhibition Special for $650

Final Thanks

I want to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who attended the opening night of my exhibition, “Beneath & Beyond: An Exploration In Photography.” Your presence and support meant the world to me, and I am truly humbled by the positive response to my work. A special thank you to the Crystalbrook Bailey for not only hosting this event but also for their unwavering support throughout the entire process. I am also incredibly grateful to the local community and everyone who has followed my journey—you have all played a role in making this exhibition a success.

If you haven’t had a chance to visit the exhibition yet, there’s still time! It will be on display until September 27th, so I invite you to stop by, explore the images, and experience the stories behind each one. And if you’re curious about what’s next or want to stay updated on my latest work, be sure to follow me on social media or join my newsletter. I’m excited to continue sharing my passion for underwater photography with you all. Thank you again for your support—it truly means everything to me!

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